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Storage on Aurora

Storage in the Aurora cluster is organized as detailed by Lunarc. Read the following:

In particular, the HEP nodes dedicated storage is accessible on hep nodes au[193-216] at this path:


The organization of data in the above folder is as follows, and users are encouraged to enforce it:

Folder name Folder purpose expected filesize Description Subfolders
software Application software files smaller than 100MB each This folder hosts software that is not accessible via cvmfs (see later). This usually includes user/project specific libraries and frameworks. /np for Nuclear Physics users
/pp for Particle Physics users
/tp for Theoretical Physics users
shared Data that will stay for long term Any file, especially big ones This folder should be used for long-term stored data. For example, data needed for the whole duration of a phd project or shared among people belonging to the same research group. /np for Nuclear Physics users
/pp for Particle Physics users
/tp for Theoretical Physics users
scratch Data that will stay for short term Any file, especially big ones This folder should be used for short-term stored data. For example, data needed for a week long calculation or temporary calculation. This folder should be considered unreliable as its contents will be purged from time to time. The cleanup interval is yet to be decided /np for Nuclear Physics users
/pp for Particle Physics users
/tp for Theoretical Physics users
users Copy of Iridium User homes files smaller than 100MB each This folder contains a copy of each user's private home folder on Iridium. DO NOT use this on Aurora. This folder will be used as a backup until we plan some other Iridium backup. /<username> each user her own folder
/npguests/<username> for Nuclear Physics guests
/ppguests/<username> for Particle Physics guests

Other special folders:

/cvmfs Special folder containing CERN maintained software user cannot write This special folder is dedicated to software provided by CERN. This folder is read-only. Usually the content of this folder are managed via specific scripts that a user can run. If you need to add some software that you cannot find, contact the administrators. / for Nuclear Physics users
/ for Particle Physics users

The Iridium storage is still accessible at


Please refer to the documentation at basic_information for it.

aurora_cluster/storage.1480087419.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/25 15:23 by florido

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