====== Security Links at Lund University ====== LDC: http://www.ldc.lu.se/tjanster/it-sakerhet SUNET: https://www.sunet.se/policy-for-tillaten-anvandning/ ====== Passwords ====== Make sure the password fullfills these criteria: * must be at least 10 characters * must contain one or more one lowercase and one uppercase letter * must contain one or more number and/or symbol * **suggestion**: use a //passphrase// along the lines of this comic: https://xkcd.com/936/ \\ :!:**DO NOT USE THE SAME PASSWORD IN THE COMIC STRIP AT THE LINK** :!: * CERN has very good suggestions regarding passwords: https://security.web.cern.ch/recommendations/en/passwords.shtml Read this nice infographic (credit: https://www.teamsid.com/the-importance-of-having-a-secure-password-infographic/) {{https://s13639.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/1509_ig_splashdata_secure-passwordsv3.jpg | Importance of having a secure password infographic}}