#include #include #include /* Needed if linking in external compiler; harmless otherwise */ #include #include #include #include "robotserver.h" /* --------------- Constants ------------------------------------------------*/ #define VERSION "1.01" /* Added Allowed hosts */ /* --------------- Global Variabels for this file ---------------------------*/ static int panelHandle, CalPanel; static unsigned int tcpHandle; /* --------------- Prototyping of functions defined in this file ------------*/ int OpenComPort(void); void CloseComPort(void); void ShutDown (void); void CVICALLBACK ComInt (int portNo, int eventMask, void *callbackData); int CVICALLBACK ClbTcpRobot (unsigned handle, int event, int error,void *callbackData); void TcpSendMessage(char *type, char *message); void DecodeMessage(char *inbuf); void MoveRobot(void); void InitRobot(void); void StartRobot(void); void StopRobot(void); void SendStatus(void); void DecodeRobotReply(void); void InitPositions(void); char *NextPosition(int nb, char *buf, int *args, float zoff); char *ParkPosition(int nb, char *buf, int *args); char *TesterPosition(int nb,char *buf, int stay); void FetchChip(void); void StoreChip(void); void ReInsert(void); void TesterMoveChip(void); void InitPanel(void); void EnablePanel(void); void DisablePanel(void); char *SetHanded(int nb, char *buf, int *args); char *SetTesterHanded(int nb, char *buf, int *args); int DecodeBitPattern(char *head, char *buf); void Socket(void); void Push(void); /* --------------- Type definitions -----------------------------------------*/ typedef struct Trays { float x; float y; float z; float dx; float dy; float xoff; float yoff; int columns; int rows; } TRAYS; typedef struct Testers { float x; float y; float z; float rot; float z1; float z2; float z3; } TESTERS; /* --------------- Constants ------------------------------------------------*/ /* The TCP port we use for communication with the main test controler */ #define TCP_PORT 2000 /* staus of commands */ #define STATUS_NONE -1 #define STATUS_IDLE 0 #define STATUS_SERVO_ON 1 #define STATUS_ORIGIN 2 #define STATUS_ERROR 3 #define STATUS_SERVO_OFF 4 #define STATUS_MOVE1 5 #define STATUS_MOVE2 7 #define STATUS_MOVE3 8 #define STATUS_MOVE4 9 #define STATUS_MOVE5 10 #define STATUS_MOVE6 11 #define STATUS_MOVE7 12 #define STATUS_FETCH1 13 #define STATUS_FETCH2 14 #define STATUS_FETCH3 15 #define STATUS_FETCH4 16 #define STATUS_FETCH5 17 #define STATUS_FETCH6 18 #define STATUS_FETCH7 19 #define STATUS_STORE1 20 #define STATUS_STORE2 21 #define STATUS_STORE3 22 #define STATUS_STORE4 23 #define STATUS_STORE5 24 #define STATUS_STORE6 25 #define STATUS_START 26 #define STATUS_FETCH8 27 #define STATUS_STORE7 28 #define STATUS_ROBOT1 29 #define STATUS_ROBOT2 30 #define STATUS_FETCH9 31 /* Go to tester position + 1 */ #define STATUS_FETCH10 32 /* Sence the sensors = 0 */ #define STATUS_FETCH11 33 /* Decode the reply */ #define STATUS_FETCH12 34 /* Go to tester position + 2 */ #define STATUS_FETCH13 35 /* Sence the sensors = B1111 */ #define STATUS_FETCH14 36 /* Decode the reply */ #define STATUS_FETCH15 37 /* Go to sensor position + 3 */ #define STATUS_STORE8 38 /* Sense the sensors */ #define STATUS_STORE9 39 /* Check if sensors in or out */ #define STATUS_STORE10 40 /* Go to catch position */ #define STATUS_FETCH4a 41 #define STATUS_FETCH6a 42 #define STATUS_REINSERT1 43 #define STATUS_REINSERT2 44 #define STATUS_REINSERT3 45 #define STATUS_REINSERT4 46 #define STATUS_REINSERT5 47 #define STATUS_REINSERT6 48 #define STATUS_REINSERT7 49 #define STATUS_REINSERT8 50 #define STATUS_REINSERT9 51 #define STATUS_REINSERT10 52 #define STATUS_REINSERT11 53 #define STATUS_REINSERT12 54 #define STATUS_REINSERT13 55 #define STATUS_REINSERT14 56 #define STATUS_REINSERT15 57 #define STATUS_REINSERT16 58 #define STATUS_STORE10a 59 #define STATUS_TMOVE1 60 #define STATUS_TMOVE2 62 #define STATUS_TMOVE3 63 /* Trays and testers that we have */ #define TRAY_FIRST 1 #define TRAY_LAST 8 #define TESTER_FIRST 1 #define TESTER_LAST 4 /* Vacuum suck bits */ #define SUCK_BIT 0 #define RELEASE_CHIP 0 #define CATCH_CHIP 1 #define SUCK_DELAY 100 /* The old single test socket */ #define VALVE_BIT 2 #define RELEASE_VALVE 0 #define ACTIVATE_VALVE 1 /* The new four chip pushers */ #define PUSH_BIT1 3 #define PUSH_BIT2 4 #define PUSH_BIT3 5 #define PUSH_BIT4 6 /* Arguments */ #define FETCH_STAY 4 #define ZPOS_OFFSET -3.00 #define Z0 27.0 /* Z during normal movements */ #define ROBOT_BUFFER_SIZE 512 /* --------------- Global variables --------------------------------------- */ int ComPort = 1; int receiveRobotPtr = 0; char receiveRobot[ROBOT_BUFFER_SIZE]; char transmitRobot[ROBOT_BUFFER_SIZE]; int statusRobot = STATUS_IDLE; int commandRemote = 0; int moveArguments[7]; int fetchArguments[5]; int AllowedHost(char *ip); TRAYS tray[8]; TESTERS tester[4]; char statusBuf[256]; /* --------------- Main function ------------------------------------------- */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int status; if (InitCVIRTE (0, argv, 0) == 0) /* Needed if linking in external compiler; harmless otherwise */ return -1; /* out of memory */ if ((panelHandle = LoadPanel (0, "robotserver.uir", PANEL)) < 0) return -1; if ((CalPanel = LoadPanel (0, "robotserver.uir", CALPANEL)) < 0) return -1; InitPositions(); OpenComPort(); tcpHandle = 0; printf("Program version %s: %s %s\n", VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__); if ((status = RegisterTCPServer (TCP_PORT, ClbTcpRobot, 0)) != -kTCP_NoError) { printf("TCP server error %d\n", status); } else printf("TCP server ready %d\n", status); DisplayPanel (panelHandle); InitPanel (); RunUserInterface (); return 0; } /* End of main */ void ShutDown (void) { if (ConfirmPopup ("EXIT", "Are you sure you want to exit ?")) { QuitUserInterface (0); UnregisterTCPServer (TCP_PORT); CloseComPort(); } } /* End of ShutDown */ int AllowedHost(char *ip) { FILE *fin; char buf[256]; char ipnum[256], name[256]; if (fin = fopen("allowed.txt", "r")) { while(fgets (buf, 250, fin)) { if (buf[0] != '#') { sscanf(buf, "%s %s", ipnum, name); if (!strcmp(ip, ipnum)) { fclose(fin); return(1); } } } fclose(fin); return(0); } return(1); } /* End of AllowedHost */ /* --------------- Callback functions from Tcp Port -------------------------*/ int CVICALLBACK ClbTcpRobot (unsigned handle, int event, int error, void *callbackData) { int dataSize = 256; char receiveBuf[256] = {0}; char addrBuf[31]; switch (event) { case TCP_CONNECT: /* ignore extra connections or hosts that are not allowed */ GetTCPPeerAddr (handle, addrBuf, 31); if (tcpHandle || !AllowedHost(addrBuf)) { /* We already have one client, don't accept another one */ printf ("-- Refusing conection request from %s\n", addrBuf); DisconnectTCPClient (handle); } else { /* Handle this new connection */ DisablePanel(); tcpHandle = handle; SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_CLIENT, 1); SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_CLIENT_IP, addrBuf); GetTCPPeerName (tcpHandle, receiveBuf, 256); SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_CLIENT_NAME, receiveBuf); printf ("-- New connection from %s\n", addrBuf); /* Set the disconect mode so we do not need to terminate */ /* connections ourselves. */ SetTCPDisconnectMode (tcpHandle, TCP_DISCONNECT_AUTO); } break; case TCP_DATAREADY: if (handle == tcpHandle) { if ((dataSize = ServerTCPRead (tcpHandle, receiveBuf, dataSize, 1000)) < 0) { printf("Tcp: Receive Error\n"); TcpSendMessage("ERROR", "Receive Error"); } else { printf("Tcp -> %s\n", receiveBuf); DecodeMessage (receiveBuf); // TcpSendMessage("OK", "0"); } } break; case TCP_DISCONNECT: if (handle == tcpHandle) { /* The client we were talking to has disconnected... */ SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_CLIENT, 0); tcpHandle = 0; SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_CLIENT_IP, ""); SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_CLIENT_NAME, ""); printf("-- Client disconnected\n"); EnablePanel(); /* Note that we do not need to do any more because we set the*/ /* disconnect mode to AUTO. */ } break; } return 0; } /* End of ClbTcpRobot */ void TcpSendMessage(char *type, char *message) { //int dataSize = 256; char transmitBuf[256] = {0}; sprintf(transmitBuf, "$%s %s", type, message); printf("Tcp <- %s\n\n", transmitBuf); if (ServerTCPWrite (tcpHandle, transmitBuf, strlen (transmitBuf) + 1, 1000) < 0) printf("Transmit Error\n"); } /* End of TcpSendMessage */ /* --------------- Interrupts from the Com port ---------------------------- */ void CVICALLBACK ComInt (int portNo, int eventMask, void *callbackData) { unsigned char Chr; if (eventMask & LWRS_RECEIVE) { while (GetInQLen (ComPort) > 0) { Chr = ComRdByte (ComPort); // putchar(Chr); if (Chr != 10) { receiveRobot[receiveRobotPtr++] = Chr; // if ((Chr == '\r') && commandRemote) { if (Chr == '\r') { // putchar('\n'); // printf("(%d)\n",receiveRobotPtr); receiveRobot[--receiveRobotPtr] = '\0'; receiveRobotPtr = 0; printf ("Com -> %s\n", receiveRobot); if (commandRemote) DecodeRobotReply(); } } } } } /* End of ComInt */ /* Open the com-port to the robot */ int OpenComPort(void) { if (OpenComConfig (ComPort, "", 9600, 1, 8, 1, 512, 512) != 0) return -1; if (InstallComCallback (ComPort, LWRS_RECEIVE, 1, 0, ComInt, 0) != 0) return -2; return 0; } /* End of OpenComPort */ /* Close the com-port to the robot */ void CloseComPort(void) { CloseCom (ComPort); } /* End of ClosePort */ /* Callbacks from the panel itself */ int CVICALLBACK ClbRobot (int panel, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { switch (event) { case EVENT_GOT_FOCUS: break; case EVENT_LOST_FOCUS: break; case EVENT_CLOSE: ShutDown(); break; } return 0; } /* End of ClbRobot */ /* If manualy clicking a control on the panel */ int CVICALLBACK ClbSendCommand (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { char buf[512] = {0}; float move_px, move_py, move_pz, move_rot, move_a, move_b; int speed_value; int val; commandRemote = 0; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: switch(control) { case PANEL_SERVO_ON: strcpy(buf, "@SERVO ON\r"); break; case PANEL_SERVO_OFF: strcpy(buf, "@SERVO OFF\r"); break; case PANEL_SPEED_GET: strcpy(buf, "@?SPEED\r"); // SetComTime (1, 5.0); break; case PANEL_SPEED_SET: GetCtrlVal (panel, PANEL_SPEED_VALUE, &speed_value); sprintf(buf, "@MSPEED %d\r", speed_value); break; case PANEL_ASPEED_SET: GetCtrlVal (panel, PANEL_ASPEED_VALUE, &speed_value); sprintf(buf, "@ASPEED %d\r", speed_value); break; case PANEL_ORIGIN: strcpy(buf, "@ORIGIN\r"); break; case PANEL_ORIGIN_GET: strcpy(buf, "@?ORIGIN\r"); break; case PANEL_WHERE: strcpy(buf, "@?WHRXY\r"); break; case PANEL_MOVEP: GetCtrlVal (panel,PANEL_MOVE_PX, &move_px); GetCtrlVal (panel,PANEL_MOVE_PY, &move_py); GetCtrlVal (panel,PANEL_MOVE_PZ, &move_pz); GetCtrlVal (panel,PANEL_MOVE_ROTATE, &move_rot); GetCtrlVal (panel,PANEL_MOVE_A, &move_a); GetCtrlVal (panel,PANEL_MOVE_B, &move_b); sprintf(buf, "%s , %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f, Z=0.00\r", "@MOVE P", move_px, move_py, move_pz, move_rot, move_a, move_b); break; case PANEL_LEFTY: strcpy(buf, "@LEFTY\r"); break; case PANEL_RIGHTY: strcpy(buf, "@RIGHTY\r"); break; case PANEL_COMMAND_SEND: GetCtrlVal(panel, PANEL_COMMAND, buf); strcat(buf, "\r"); break; case PANEL_AIR: GetCtrlVal(panel, PANEL_AIR, &val); sprintf(buf, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", SUCK_BIT, val); break; case PANEL_SOCKET: GetCtrlVal(panel, PANEL_SOCKET, &val); sprintf(buf, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", VALVE_BIT, val); break; case PANEL_SOCKET1: GetCtrlVal(panel, PANEL_SOCKET1, &val); sprintf(buf, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", PUSH_BIT1, val); break; case PANEL_SOCKET2: GetCtrlVal(panel, PANEL_SOCKET2, &val); sprintf(buf, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", PUSH_BIT2, val); break; case PANEL_SOCKET3: GetCtrlVal(panel, PANEL_SOCKET3, &val); sprintf(buf, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", PUSH_BIT3, val); break; case PANEL_SOCKET4: GetCtrlVal(panel, PANEL_SOCKET4, &val); sprintf(buf, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", PUSH_BIT4, val); break; case PANEL_RELOAD_POS: InitPositions(); return 0; break; case PANEL_ENABLE: EnablePanel(); return 0; case PANEL_DISABLE: DisablePanel(); return 0; break; } /* end switch */ printf("Com <- %s\n", buf); ComWrt (ComPort, buf, strlen(buf)); break; } return 0; } /* End of ClbSendCommand */ /* int MoveChip(int fromBrick, int fromCol, int fromRow, int toBrick, int toCol, int toRow) { return 0; } */ /* --------------- Function to decode commands received from tester over TCP */ void DecodeMessage(char *inbuf) { char buf[256]; char *command; buf[0] = '\0'; if (command = strtok(inbuf, "$ ")) { if (!strcmp(command, "STATUS")) { switch (statusRobot) { case STATUS_IDLE: strcpy(buf, "IDLE"); break; case STATUS_SERVO_OFF: case STATUS_SERVO_ON: strcpy(buf, "SERVO"); break; case STATUS_ORIGIN: strcpy(buf, "ORIGIN"); break; case STATUS_ERROR: strcpy(buf, "ERROR"); break; case STATUS_MOVE1: strcpy(buf, "MOVE_ONE"); break; default: strcpy(buf, "?"); break; } TcpSendMessage(command, buf); } else if (!strcmp(command, "INIT")) { InitRobot(); } else if (!strcmp(command, "START")) { StartRobot(); } else if (!strcmp(command, "STOP")) { StopRobot(); } else if (!strcmp(command, "MOVE")) { MoveRobot(); } else if (!strcmp(command, "TMOVE")) { TesterMoveChip(); } else if (!strcmp(command, "FETCH")) { FetchChip(); } else if (!strcmp(command, "STORE")) { StoreChip(); } else if (!strcmp(command, "ROBOTSTATUS")) { SendStatus(); } else if (!strcmp(command, "REINSERT")) { ReInsert(); } else if (!strcmp(command, "SOCKET")) { Socket(); } else if (!strcmp(command, "PUSH")) { Push(); } else TcpSendMessage ("NONE", "0"); } else TcpSendMessage ("WHAT", "0"); } /* End of DecodeMessage */ /* Ask the robot if origin is completed */ void SendStatus(void) { char buf[64]; commandRemote = 1; receiveRobotPtr = 0; statusRobot = STATUS_ROBOT1; strcpy(transmitRobot,"@?ORIGIN\r"); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } /* Ask the robot if the servo is on */ void InitRobot(void) { char buf[64]; commandRemote = 1; receiveRobotPtr = 0; statusRobot = STATUS_SERVO_ON; strcpy(transmitRobot, "@SERVO ON\r"); printf("Com <- %s\n",transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } /* Tell the robot to turn on the servo */ void StartRobot(void) { char buf[64]; commandRemote = 1; receiveRobotPtr = 0; statusRobot = STATUS_START; strcpy(transmitRobot, "@SERVO ON\r"); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } /* Tell the robot to turn off the servo */ void StopRobot(void) { char buf[64]; commandRemote = 1; receiveRobotPtr = 0; statusRobot = STATUS_SERVO_OFF; strcpy(transmitRobot, "@SERVO OFF\r"); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } char *NextPosition(int nb, char *buf, int *args, float zoff) { int traynb,row,col; float x, y, z, rot; traynb = args[nb]; col = args[nb+1]; row = args[nb+2]; if ((traynb >= TRAY_FIRST) && (traynb <= TRAY_LAST)) { traynb--; if ((row >= 1) && (row <= tray[traynb].rows) && (col >= 1) && (col <= tray[traynb].columns)) { x = tray[traynb].x + tray[traynb].xoff + tray[traynb].dx*(col-1); y = tray[traynb].y - tray[traynb].yoff - tray[traynb].dy*(row-1); z = tray[traynb].z + zoff; rot = 0.0; sprintf(buf, "%s , %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f, Z=%5.2f\r", "@MOVE P", x, y, z, rot, 0.0, 0.0, Z0); return(buf); } } return(NULL); } char *ParkPosition(int nb, char *buf, int *args) { int traynb, row, col; float x, y, z, rot; traynb = args[nb]; col = args[nb+1]; row = args[nb+2]; if ((traynb >= TRAY_FIRST) && (traynb <= TRAY_LAST)) { traynb--; if ((row >= 1) && (row <= tray[traynb].rows) && (col >= 1) && (col <= tray[traynb].columns)) { x = tray[traynb].x + tray[traynb].xoff + tray[traynb].dx*(col-1); y = tray[traynb].y - tray[traynb].yoff - tray[traynb].dy*(row-1); z = Z0; rot = 0.0; sprintf(buf, "%s , %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f, Z=%5.2f\r", "@MOVE P", x, y, z, rot, 0.0, 0.0, Z0); return(buf); } } return(NULL); } /* Set the hand (lefty or righty) for a position on a tray */ char *SetHanded(int nb, char *buf, int *args) { int traynb, row, col; float x, y, z, rot; traynb = args[nb]; col = args[nb+1]; row = args[nb+2]; if ((traynb >= TRAY_FIRST) && (traynb <= TRAY_LAST)) { traynb--; if ((row >= 1) && (row <= tray[traynb].rows) && (col >= 1) && (col <= tray[traynb].columns)) { y = tray[traynb].y - tray[traynb].yoff - tray[traynb].dy*(row-1); if (y < 0.0) strcpy(buf, "@LEFTY\r"); else strcpy(buf, "@RIGHTY\r"); return(buf); } } return(NULL); } /* End of SetHanded */ /* Set the hand (lefty or righty) for a tester */ char *SetTesterHanded(int nb, char *buf, int *args) { int testernb; float x, y, z, rot; testernb = args[nb]; if ((testernb >= TESTER_FIRST) && (testernb <= TESTER_LAST)) { testernb--; y = tester[testernb].y; if (y < 0.0) strcpy(buf, "@LEFTY\r"); else strcpy(buf,"@RIGHTY\r"); return(buf); } return(NULL); } /* End of SetTesterHanded */ /* void MoveRobotOld(void) { int nbarg = 0; char *ptr; receiveRobotPtr = 0; commandRemote = 1; statusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; while((ptr = strtok(NULL, " ")) && (nbarg < 8)) { moveArguments[nbarg++] = atoi(ptr); printf("ARG %d %d\n", nbarg, moveArguments[nbarg-1]); } if (nbarg == 7) { statusRobot = STATUS_MOVE1; if (ptr = NextPosition(0, transmitRobot, moveArguments, 0.0)) { ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot) ); printf("Com -> %s\n", transmitRobot); } else statusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } } */ void MoveRobot(void) { int nbarg = 0; char *ptr; receiveRobotPtr = 0; commandRemote = 1; statusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; while((ptr = strtok(NULL, " ")) && (nbarg < 8)) { moveArguments[nbarg++] = atoi(ptr); // printf("ARG %d %d\n", nbarg, moveArguments[nbarg-1]); } if (nbarg == 7) { if (SetHanded (0, transmitRobot, moveArguments)) { statusRobot = STATUS_MOVE1; printf ("Com -> %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot) ); } } if (statusRobot == STATUS_ERROR) { TcpSendMessage("STATUS", "ERROR MOVE"); } } /* End of MoveRobot */ void TesterMoveChip(void) { int nbarg = 0; char *ptr; receiveRobotPtr = 0; commandRemote = 1; statusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; while((ptr = strtok(NULL, " ")) && (nbarg < 8)) { fetchArguments[nbarg++] = atoi(ptr); // printf("ARG %d %d\n", nbarg, moveArguments[nbarg-1]); } if (nbarg == 5) { if (SetTesterHanded(0, transmitRobot, fetchArguments)) { statusRobot = STATUS_TMOVE1; printf ("Com -> %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot) ); } } if (statusRobot == STATUS_ERROR) { TcpSendMessage("STATUS", "ERROR MOVE"); } } /* End of TesterMoveChip */ char *TesterPosition(int nb, char *buf, int stay) { float x, y, z, rot; if ((nb >= TESTER_FIRST) && (nb <= TESTER_LAST)) { nb--; x = tester[nb].x; y = tester[nb].y; switch(stay) { case 0: z = 0.0; break; case 1: z = tester[nb].z; break; case 2: z = tester[nb].z1 + tester[nb].z; break; case 3: z = tester[nb].z2 + tester[nb].z; break; case 4: z = tester[nb].z3 + tester[nb].z; break; default: return NULL; } // rot = -90.0; // 90.0 for PASA, 0.0 for ALTRO and -90.0 for PCA16 rot = tester[nb].rot; if (stay <= 1) sprintf(buf, "%s , %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f, Z=%5.2f\r", "@MOVE P", x, y, z, rot, 0.0, 0.0, Z0); else sprintf(buf, "%s , %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\r", "@MOVE P", x, y, z, rot, 0.0, 0.0); return(buf); } return(NULL); } void FetchChip(void) { int nbarg = 0; int testernb; char *ptr; receiveRobotPtr = 0; commandRemote = 1; statusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; while((ptr = strtok(NULL, " ")) && (nbarg < 8)) { fetchArguments[nbarg++] = atoi(ptr); // printf("ARG %d %d\n", nbarg, fetchArguments[nbarg-1]); } if (nbarg == 5) { testernb = fetchArguments[3]; if ((testernb >= TESTER_FIRST) && (testernb <= TESTER_LAST)) { if (SetHanded(0, transmitRobot, fetchArguments)) { statusRobot = STATUS_FETCH1; printf("Com -> %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } } } if (statusRobot == STATUS_ERROR) { TcpSendMessage("STATUS", "ERROR FETCH"); } } /* End of FetchChip */ void StoreChip(void) { int nbarg = 0; char *ptr; receiveRobotPtr = 0; commandRemote = 1; statusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; while((ptr = strtok(NULL, " ")) && (nbarg < 8)) { fetchArguments[nbarg++] = atoi(ptr); // printf("ARG %d %d\n", nbarg, fetchArguments[nbarg-1]); } if (nbarg == 5) { if (SetTesterHanded(0, transmitRobot, fetchArguments)) { statusRobot = STATUS_STORE1; printf("Com -> %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } } if (statusRobot == STATUS_ERROR) { TcpSendMessage("STATUS", "ERROR STORE"); } } /* End of StoreChip */ void ReInsert(void) { int nbarg = 0; int TesterNb = 2; char *ptr; receiveRobotPtr = 0; commandRemote = 1; statusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; while((ptr = strtok(NULL, " ")) && (nbarg < 8)) { fetchArguments[nbarg++] = atoi(ptr); } if (nbarg == 1) { TesterNb = fetchArguments[0]; if ((TesterNb >= TESTER_FIRST) && (TesterNb <= TESTER_LAST)) { if (SetTesterHanded(0, transmitRobot, fetchArguments)) { statusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT1; printf("Com -> %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } } } if (statusRobot == STATUS_ERROR) { TcpSendMessage("STATUS", "ERROR RE_INSERT"); } } /* End of ReInsert */ void Socket(void) { int nbarg = 0; int UpDown = 1; char *ptr; char Buf[20]; receiveRobotPtr = 0; commandRemote = 1; statusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; while((ptr = strtok(NULL, " ")) && (nbarg < 8)) { fetchArguments[nbarg++] = atoi(ptr); } if (nbarg == 1) { UpDown = fetchArguments[0]; /* 1 -> Down/open. 0 -> Up/Closed */ if ((UpDown >= 0) && (UpDown <= 1)) { sprintf(Buf, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", VALVE_BIT, UpDown); printf("Com <- %s\n", Buf); ComWrt (ComPort, Buf, strlen(Buf)); } } TcpSendMessage("STATUS", "OK"); } /* End of Socket */ /* Move the pusher in position and push down the chip */ /* Det har ar bara en rakopia av Socket */ void Push(void) { int nbarg = 0; int UpDown; char *ptr; char Buf[20]; int TesterNb; int PushBits[] = {0, PUSH_BIT1, PUSH_BIT2, PUSH_BIT3, PUSH_BIT4}; receiveRobotPtr = 0; commandRemote = 1; statusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; while((ptr = strtok(NULL, " ")) && (nbarg < 8)) { fetchArguments[nbarg++] = atoi(ptr); } if (nbarg == 2) { TesterNb = fetchArguments[0]; UpDown = fetchArguments[1]; /* 1 -> In and down. 0 -> Up and out */ if ((UpDown >= 0) && (UpDown <= 1)) { sprintf(Buf, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", PushBits[TesterNb], UpDown); printf("Com <- %s\n", Buf); ComWrt (ComPort, Buf, strlen(Buf)); } } TcpSendMessage("STATUS", "OK"); } /* End of Push */ /* Decode bit pattern as received by the SEND DI command, i.e. DI2()= Bbbbbbbbb into an integer */ int DecodeBitPattern(char *head, char *buf) { char *token; int j, val; if (!(token=strtok(buf, "="))) return -1; if (strcmp(head,token)) return -2; if (!(token=strtok(NULL, " \n"))) return -3; if (*token++ != '&') return -4; if (*token++ != 'B') return -5; if (strlen(token) != 8) return -6; for (j = 0, val = 0; j < 8; j++, token++) { val <<= 1; switch (*token) { case '0': break; case '1': val |= 1; break; default: return(-7); } } return(val); } void DecodeRobotReply(void) { int newstatusRobot = STATUS_NONE; char buf[32]; int len, pattern; // printf("ROBOT REPLY %s\n",receiveRobot); /* Special for socklarna */ if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "DI3()")) { pattern = DecodeBitPattern("DI3()", receiveRobot); printf("Com <-> %d\n", pattern); } switch(statusRobot) { case STATUS_ROBOT1: if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "COMPLETE") || !strcmp(receiveRobot, "INCOMPLETE")) { strcpy(statusBuf, "ORIGIN "); strcat(statusBuf, receiveRobot); newstatusRobot = STATUS_ROBOT2; strcpy(transmitRobot, "@?SERVO\r"); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); receiveRobotPtr = 0; ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } break; case STATUS_ROBOT2: strcat(statusBuf, ";SERVO "); len = sizeof(statusBuf) - strlen(statusBuf); strncat(statusBuf, receiveRobot, len); newstatusRobot = STATUS_IDLE; TcpSendMessage("STATUS", statusBuf); break; case STATUS_SERVO_ON: if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_ORIGIN; strcpy(transmitRobot, "@ORIGIN\r"); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); receiveRobotPtr = 0; ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } break; case STATUS_ORIGIN: if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_IDLE; TcpSendMessage("STATUS", "OK"); } break; case STATUS_START: case STATUS_SERVO_OFF: if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_IDLE; TcpSendMessage("STATUS", "OK"); } break; case STATUS_MOVE1: if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (NextPosition(0, transmitRobot, moveArguments, 0.0)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); newstatusRobot = STATUS_MOVE2; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_MOVE2: if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_MOVE3; receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", SUCK_BIT, CATCH_CHIP); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } break; case STATUS_MOVE3: if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (SetHanded(3, transmitRobot, moveArguments)) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_MOVE4; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_MOVE4: if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (NextPosition(3, transmitRobot, moveArguments, ZPOS_OFFSET)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); newstatusRobot = STATUS_MOVE5; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_MOVE5: if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_MOVE6; receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", SUCK_BIT, RELEASE_CHIP); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } break; case STATUS_MOVE6: if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (ParkPosition(3, transmitRobot, moveArguments)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); newstatusRobot = STATUS_MOVE7; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_MOVE7: if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_IDLE; TcpSendMessage("STATUS", "OK"); } break; // Open the socket but do not wail for it case STATUS_FETCH1: /* Go to the fetch-tray */ if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (NextPosition(0, transmitRobot, fetchArguments, 0.0)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH2; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_FETCH2: // Pick up the chip if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH8; receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot,"@DO2(%d)=%d\r", SUCK_BIT, CATCH_CHIP); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); Delay(0.5); } break; case STATUS_FETCH3: // Delay if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH8; receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@DELAY %d\r", SUCK_DELAY); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } case STATUS_FETCH8: // Change handedness to tester if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (SetTesterHanded(3, transmitRobot, fetchArguments)) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH4; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; // Check if the socket is open and wait until it is case STATUS_FETCH4: // Activate the valve if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH4a; receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", VALVE_BIT, ACTIVATE_VALVE); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); Delay(0.5); } break; case STATUS_FETCH4a: // Goto the tester if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[3], transmitRobot, 1)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH5; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_FETCH5: // Release the chip if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (fetchArguments[FETCH_STAY]) newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH9; else newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH9; receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", SUCK_BIT, RELEASE_CHIP); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); Delay(0.5); } break; case STATUS_FETCH6: // Go up if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH6a; if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[3], transmitRobot, 0)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_FETCH6a: // Release the valve if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH7; receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", VALVE_BIT, RELEASE_VALVE); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); Delay(0.5); } break; case STATUS_FETCH7: // Stay in up position if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_IDLE; TcpSendMessage("STATUS", "OK"); } break; case STATUS_FETCH9: // Go to tester position + 1 if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[3], transmitRobot, 2)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH10; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_FETCH10: // Sence the sensors if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH11; receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@SEND DI2() TO CMU\r"); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } break; case STATUS_FETCH11: // Decode sensor reply = 0 pattern = DecodeBitPattern("DI2()", receiveRobot); printf("Com <-> %d\n", pattern); if (pattern == 0) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH12; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; break; case STATUS_FETCH12: // Go to tester position + 2 if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[3], transmitRobot, 3)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH13; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_FETCH13: // Sence the sensors = B0001 if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH14; receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@SEND DI2() TO CMU\r"); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } break; case STATUS_FETCH14: // Decode sensor reply = 0x1 pattern = DecodeBitPattern("DI2()", receiveRobot); printf("Com <-> %d\n", pattern); if (pattern == 0x1) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH6; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; break; case STATUS_FETCH15: // Go to sensor position + 3 if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[3], transmitRobot, 4)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH7; // Delay (15); } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_STORE8: // Sence the sensors = B1111 if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_STORE9; receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@SEND DI2() TO CMU\r"); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } break; case STATUS_STORE9: // Decode sensor reply = 0x1 pattern = DecodeBitPattern("DI2()", receiveRobot); printf("Com <-> %d\n", pattern); if (pattern == 0x1) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; newstatusRobot = STATUS_STORE10; } else if (pattern == 0) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; newstatusRobot = STATUS_STORE1; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; break; case STATUS_STORE1: // Activate the valve if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", VALVE_BIT, ACTIVATE_VALVE); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_STORE10; Delay(0.5); } break; case STATUS_STORE10: // Move to tester if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[0], transmitRobot, 1)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_STORE10a; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_TMOVE1: // Move to tester if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[0], transmitRobot, 1)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_TMOVE2; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_STORE10a: // Go down if (!strcmp(receiveRobot,"OK")) { if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[0], transmitRobot, 2)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_STORE2; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_TMOVE2: // Go down if (!strcmp(receiveRobot,"OK")) { if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[0], transmitRobot, 2)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_TMOVE3; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_STORE2: // Catch the chip if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_STORE7; receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", SUCK_BIT, CATCH_CHIP); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); Delay(0.5); } break; case STATUS_TMOVE3: // Catch the chip if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH8; receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", SUCK_BIT, CATCH_CHIP); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); Delay(0.5); } break; case STATUS_STORE7: // Change to storage tray handed if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (SetHanded(1, transmitRobot, fetchArguments)) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_STORE3; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_STORE3: // Goto storage tray if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (NextPosition(1, transmitRobot, fetchArguments, ZPOS_OFFSET)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_STORE4; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_STORE4: // Release the chip if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", SUCK_BIT, RELEASE_CHIP); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_STORE5; Delay(0.5); } break; case STATUS_STORE5: // Park the robot if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (ParkPosition(1, transmitRobot, fetchArguments)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_STORE6; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_STORE6: if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_IDLE; TcpSendMessage("STATUS", "OK"); } break; case STATUS_REINSERT1: // Activate the valve if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", VALVE_BIT, ACTIVATE_VALVE); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT2; Delay(0.5); } break; case STATUS_REINSERT2: // Move to tester if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[0], transmitRobot, 1)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT3; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_REINSERT3: // Go to tester position + 1 if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[0], transmitRobot, 2)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT4; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_REINSERT4: // Catch the chip if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", SUCK_BIT, CATCH_CHIP); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT5; Delay(0.5); } break; case STATUS_REINSERT5: // Go up if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[0], transmitRobot, 0)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT6; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_REINSERT6: // Go down if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[0], transmitRobot, 1)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT7; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_REINSERT7: // Release the chip if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (fetchArguments[FETCH_STAY]) newstatusRobot = STATUS_FETCH9; else newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT8; receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", SUCK_BIT, RELEASE_CHIP); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); Delay(0.5); } break; case STATUS_REINSERT8: // Go to tester position + 1 if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[3], transmitRobot, 2)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT9; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_REINSERT9: // Sence the sensors if (!strcmp(receiveRobot,"OK")) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@SEND DI2() TO CMU\r"); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT10; } break; case STATUS_REINSERT10: // Decode sensor reply = 0 pattern = DecodeBitPattern("DI2()", receiveRobot); printf("Com <-> %d\n", pattern); if (pattern == 0) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT11; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; break; case STATUS_REINSERT11: // Go to tester position + 2 if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[3], transmitRobot, 3)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT12; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_REINSERT12: // Sence the sensors = B0001 if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT13; receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@SEND DI2() TO CMU\r"); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } break; case STATUS_REINSERT13: // Decode sensor reply = 0x1 pattern = DecodeBitPattern("DI2()", receiveRobot); printf("Com <-> %d\n", pattern); if (pattern == 0x1) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT14; } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; break; case STATUS_REINSERT14: // Go up if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT15; if (TesterPosition(fetchArguments[0], transmitRobot, 0)) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); } else newstatusRobot = STATUS_ERROR; } break; case STATUS_REINSERT15: // Release the valve if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { receiveRobotPtr = 0; sprintf(transmitRobot, "@DO2(%d)=%d\r", VALVE_BIT, RELEASE_VALVE); printf("Com <- %s\n", transmitRobot); ComWrt (ComPort, transmitRobot, strlen(transmitRobot)); newstatusRobot = STATUS_REINSERT16; Delay(0.5); } break; case STATUS_REINSERT16: // End of Reinsert if (!strcmp(receiveRobot, "OK")) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_IDLE; TcpSendMessage("STATUS", "OK"); } break; } /* End switch */ if (newstatusRobot == STATUS_NONE) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_IDLE; // TcpSendMessage("STATUS", "NONE"); } else if (newstatusRobot == STATUS_ERROR) { newstatusRobot = STATUS_IDLE; sprintf(buf, "ERROR %d", statusRobot); printf("STATUS ERROR: %s\n", buf); TcpSendMessage("STATUS", buf); } statusRobot = newstatusRobot; } /* End of DecodeRobotReply */ /* Read tray and tester position information from file */ void InitPositions(void) { FILE *fpos; char buf[512]; int traynb,cols,rows; float x, y, z, dx, dy, xoff, yoff; float Xcomp = 0.00, Ycomp = 0.00; if (fpos = fopen("positions.txt", "r")) { while(fgets (buf, 510, fpos)) { if (buf[0] != '#') { if (sscanf(buf,"%d %f %f %f %d %d %f %f %f %f", &traynb, &x, &y, &z, &cols, &rows, &dx, &dy, &xoff, &yoff) == 10) { if (traynb < 10) { traynb--; tray[traynb].x = x + Xcomp; tray[traynb].y = y + Ycomp; tray[traynb].z = z; tray[traynb].dx = dx; tray[traynb].dy = dy; tray[traynb].columns = cols; tray[traynb].rows = rows; tray[traynb].xoff = xoff; tray[traynb].yoff = yoff; } else if ((traynb >= 10) && (traynb <= 13)) { traynb -= 10; tester[traynb].x = x + Xcomp; tester[traynb].y = y + Ycomp; tester[traynb].z = z; tester[traynb].rot = cols; tester[traynb].z1 = dx; tester[traynb].z2 = dy; tester[traynb].z3 = xoff; } } } } fclose(fpos); } } /* End of InitPositions */ void InitPanel(void) { SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ENABLE, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_DISABLE, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); } void EnablePanel(void) { SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_ENABLE, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_DISABLE, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SERVO_ON, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SERVO_OFF, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SPEED_GET, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SPEED_SET, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_ASPEED_SET, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_ORIGIN, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_ORIGIN_GET, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_WHERE, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_MOVEP, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_LEFTY, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_RIGHTY, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_COMMAND_SEND,ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_AIR, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); // SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SOCKET, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SOCKET1, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SOCKET2, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SOCKET3, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SOCKET4, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); } void DisablePanel(void) { SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_ENABLE, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_DISABLE, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SERVO_ON, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SERVO_OFF, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SPEED_GET, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SPEED_SET, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_ASPEED_SET, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_ORIGIN, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_ORIGIN_GET, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_WHERE, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_MOVEP, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_LEFTY, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_RIGHTY, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_COMMAND_SEND, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_AIR, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SOCKET, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SOCKET1, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SOCKET2, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SOCKET3, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,PANEL_SOCKET4, ATTR_DIMMED, 1); } /* Callbacks from the calibration panel itself */ int CVICALLBACK CalPanelClb (int panel, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { switch (event) { case EVENT_GOT_FOCUS: break; case EVENT_LOST_FOCUS: break; case EVENT_CLOSE: HidePanel (CalPanel); break; } return 0; } /* If something is changed on the calibration panel */ int CVICALLBACK TrayCalClb (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { int TrayNr, Corner; double Z, Rot=0, Xpos, Ypos; double YOffset[] ={0,-20, -295, -319.2,-295, -20, 3.5}; double XOffset[] ={0, -3.5, -3.5, 115, 140.1, 140.1, 115}; char Buf [100]; switch (event) { case EVENT_COMMIT: GetCtrlVal (CalPanel, CALPANEL_TRAY, &TrayNr); GetCtrlVal (CalPanel, CALPANEL_CORNER, &Corner); GetCtrlVal (CalPanel, CALPANEL_Z, &Z); Xpos = tray[TrayNr-1].x + XOffset[Corner]; Ypos = tray[TrayNr-1].y + YOffset[Corner]; if (TrayNr >= 5) ComWrt (ComPort, "@LEFTY\r", 7); else ComWrt (ComPort, "@RIGHTY\r", 8); switch (control) { case CALPANEL_TRAY: sprintf(Buf, "@MOVE P, %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f 0 0, Z=0.00\r", Xpos, Ypos, Z, Rot); printf ("Com <- %s", Buf); ComWrt (ComPort, Buf, strlen(Buf)); break; case CALPANEL_Z: sprintf(Buf, "@MOVE P, %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f 0 0\r", Xpos, Ypos, Z, Rot); printf ("Com <- %s", Buf); ComWrt (ComPort, Buf, strlen(Buf)); break; case CALPANEL_CORNER: sprintf(Buf, "@MOVE P, %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f 0 0, Z=100.00\r", Xpos, Ypos, Z, Rot); printf ("Com <- %s", Buf); ComWrt (ComPort, Buf, strlen(Buf)); break; } break; } return 0; } /* End of CVICALLBACK TrayCalClb */ void CVICALLBACK MenuClb (int menuBar, int menuItem, void *callbackData, int panel) { switch (menuItem) { case MENU_FILE_EXIT: ShutDown(); break; case MENU_TOOLS_CALIBRATE: DisplayPanel(CalPanel); break; } }