#include "TH1F.h" #include "TProfile.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TLegend.h" #include "TCanvas.h" // #include "TTree.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TChain.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void fitStudy(const char *filename="result.root") { const int kNChan = 32; const int kNSta = 2; const int kSta[kNSta] = { 1, 2 }; const int kNGain = 2; const int kGain[kNGain] = { 20, 30 }; // acceptable limits for P1/Gain const float kMinGain[kNGain] = { 18, 27 }; const float kMaxGain[kNGain] = { 22, 33 }; const float kMinGainAll = 0; const float kMaxGainAll = 50; char name[100]; char outdir[100]; sprintf(outdir, "png/calib"); char suffix1[20]; char suffix2[20]; sprintf(suffix1, "pdf"); sprintf(suffix2, "png"); const bool regen_corrplots = false; // const bool regen_corrplots = true; const int kNChips = 200; // max number of chips so far, for any station const int kChipOffset = 100000; int nOK[kNSta][kNChips] = {0}; float meanGain[kNSta][kNChips] = {0}; float rmsGain[kNSta][kNChips] = {0}; int nFail[kNSta][kNChips] = {0}; TFile *f = new TFile(filename); cout << " reading file " << filename << endl; TTree *tree = (TTree*) f->Get("tree"); //Declaration of leaves types Int_t iChip; Int_t iSta; Float_t fGain20mV[32]; Float_t fGain30mV[32]; Int_t iSync[8]; // Set branch addresses. tree->SetBranchAddress("iChip",&iChip); tree->SetBranchAddress("iSta",&iSta); tree->SetBranchAddress("fGain20mV",fGain20mV); tree->SetBranchAddress("fGain30mV",fGain30mV); tree->SetBranchAddress("iSync",iSync); int nentries = tree->GetEntries(); // make 2 versions of histograms, for Gain 0 (20 mV) and Gain 1 (30 mV) TH1F *h1[kNSta][kNGain]; TH2F *h2[kNSta][kNGain]; TProfile *hp1[kNSta][kNGain]; int ista = 0; int igain = 0; for (ista=0; istaGetEntry(i); locChip = iChip - kChipOffset; if ( (locChip>=0) && (locChip < kNChips) ) { // right range of chips if (minChip>locChip) minChip = locChip; if (maxChipkMinGain[0]) && (fGain20mV[ichan]Fill(fGain20mV[ichan]); h2[ista][0]->Fill(ichan, fGain20mV[ichan]); hp1[ista][0]->Fill(ichan, fGain20mV[ichan]); } if ( (fGain30mV[ichan]>kMinGain[1]) && (fGain30mV[ichan]Fill(fGain30mV[ichan]); h2[ista][1]->Fill(ichan, fGain30mV[ichan]); hp1[ista][1]->Fill(ichan, fGain30mV[ichan]); } } } } // we now know our range of chip numbers int nChips = maxChip - minChip + 1; ofstream fout; fout.open("condcorr.txt"); // calculate a correction factor for each channel, and station, and gain float dcorr[kNSta][kNGain][kNChan] = {0}; float avecorr[kNSta][kNChan] = {0}; int ncorr[kNSta][kNChan] = {0}; for (ista=0; istaGetEntries() > 0) { TF1 *func0 = new TF1("func0","[0]", 0, kNChan); hp1[ista][igain]->Fit("func0","RQ"); cout << " ista " << ista << " igain " << igain << " func0 " << func0->GetParameter(0) << endl; for (ichan = 0; ichan<32; ichan++) { int ibin = hp1[ista][igain]->GetBin(ichan); if (hp1[ista][igain]->GetBinContent(ichan+1) > 0) { dcorr[ista][igain][ichan] = func0->GetParameter(0) / hp1[ista][igain]->GetBinContent(ichan+1); avecorr[ista][ichan] += dcorr[ista][igain][ichan]; ncorr[ista][ichan] ++; } } } } for (ichan = 0; ichan<32; ichan++) { if (ncorr[ista][ichan] > 0) { avecorr[ista][ichan] /= ncorr[ista][ichan]; cout << " kSta " << kSta[ista] << " ichan " << ichan << " avecorr " << avecorr[ista][ichan] << endl; fout << " " << kSta[ista] << " " << ichan << " " << avecorr[ista][ichan] << endl; } } } fout.close(); TH1F *h1Corr[kNSta]; TH2F *h2Corr[kNSta]; TProfile *hp1Corr[kNSta]; TH2F *h2CorrChip[kNSta]; TProfile *hp1CorrChip[kNSta]; TH2F *h2CorrChipAll[kNSta]; TProfile *hp1CorrChipAll[kNSta]; igain = 0; // let's just look at one gain setting for the corrected plots... (enough already) for (ista=0; ista 0) { nbytes += tree->GetEntry(iEntry[ichip]); locChip = iChip - kChipOffset; if (iSta == kSta[0]) ista = 0; else ista = 1; int nSum = 0; float sum = 0; float sum2 = 0; for (ichan = 0; ichan<32; ichan++) { float dG = fGain20mV[ichan] * avecorr[ista][ichan]; // cout << " line " << __LINE__ << ": ichan " << ichan << " gain " << fGain20mV[ichan] << " avecorr " << avecorr[ista][ichan] << endl; h2CorrChipAll[ista]->Fill(locChip + kChipOffset, dG); hp1CorrChipAll[ista]->Fill(locChip + kChipOffset, dG); sum += dG; sum2 += dG * dG; nSum ++; if ( (kMinGain[0]Fill(dG); h2Corr[ista]->Fill(ichan, dG); hp1Corr[ista]->Fill(ichan, dG); h2CorrChip[ista]->Fill(locChip + kChipOffset, dG); hp1CorrChip[ista]->Fill(locChip + kChipOffset, dG); nOK[ista][locChip]++; } else { cout << " line " << __LINE__ << " : fail ichip " << locChip << " ichan " << ichan << endl; nFail[ista][locChip]++; } } if (nSum>0) { meanGain[ista][locChip] = sum / nSum; rmsGain[ista][locChip] = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(sum2/nSum - meanGain[ista][locChip]*meanGain[ista][locChip])); } } } cout << " histos filled " << endl; TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 900, 600); for (ista=0; istaGetEntries() > kNChan) { //if ( h1Corr[ista]->GetEntries() > 0 ) { TF1 *func1 = new TF1("func1","[0]", 0, kNChan); hp1Corr[ista]->Fit("func1","RQ"); cout << " ista " << ista << " func1 " << func1->GetParameter(0) << endl; c1->SetLogy(1); c1->cd(); h1[ista][igain]->SetMarkerStyle(20); h1[ista][igain]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Gain (mV/fC)"); h1[ista][igain]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Yield"); h1[ista][igain]->SetTitle("Gain (mV/fC)"); h1[ista][igain]->Draw(); c1->Modified(); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix1); c1->SaveAs(name); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix2); c1->SaveAs(name); h1Corr[ista]->SetMarkerStyle(20); h1Corr[ista]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Gain (Corr, mV/fC)"); h1Corr[ista]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Yield"); h1Corr[ista]->SetTitle("Gain (Corr, mV/fC)"); h1Corr[ista]->Draw(); c1->Modified(); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_corr.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix1); c1->SaveAs(name); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_corr.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix2); c1->SaveAs(name); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); c1->SetLogy(0); c1->cd(); hp1[ista][igain]->SetMarkerStyle(20); hp1[ista][igain]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Gain (mV/fC)"); hp1[ista][igain]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chan #"); hp1[ista][igain]->SetTitle("Gain (mV/fC) vs Chan #"); hp1[ista][igain]->Draw(); c1->Modified(); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_vs_chan_prof.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix1); c1->SaveAs(name); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_vs_chan_prof.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix2); c1->SaveAs(name); c1->cd(); hp1Corr[ista]->SetMarkerStyle(20); hp1Corr[ista]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Gain (Corr, mV/fC)"); hp1Corr[ista]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chan #"); hp1Corr[ista]->SetTitle("Gain (Corr, mV/fC) vs Chan #"); hp1Corr[ista]->Draw(); c1->Modified(); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_corr_vs_chan_prof.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix1); c1->SaveAs(name); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_corr_vs_chan_prof.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix2); c1->SaveAs(name); c1->cd(); hp1CorrChip[ista]->SetMinimum(kMinGain[igain]); hp1CorrChip[ista]->SetMaximum(kMaxGain[igain]); hp1CorrChip[ista]->SetMarkerStyle(20); hp1CorrChip[ista]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Gain (Corr, mV/fC)"); hp1CorrChip[ista]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip #"); hp1CorrChip[ista]->SetTitle("Gain (Corr, mV/fC) vs Chip #"); hp1CorrChip[ista]->Draw(); c1->Modified(); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_corr_vs_chip_prof.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix1); c1->SaveAs(name); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_corr_vs_chip_prof.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix2); c1->SaveAs(name); c1->cd(); hp1CorrChipAll[ista]->SetMarkerStyle(20); hp1CorrChipAll[ista]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Gain (Corr, All, mV/fC)"); hp1CorrChipAll[ista]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip #"); hp1CorrChipAll[ista]->SetTitle("Gain (Corr, All, mV/fC) vs Chip #"); hp1CorrChipAll[ista]->Draw(); c1->Modified(); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_corr_vs_chip_prof_all.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix1); c1->SaveAs(name); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_corr_vs_chip_prof_all.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix2); c1->SaveAs(name); c1->cd(); h2[ista][igain]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Gain (mV/fC)"); h2[ista][igain]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chan #"); h2[ista][igain]->SetTitle("Gain (mV/fC) vs Chan #"); h2[ista][igain]->Draw("colz"); c1->Modified(); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_vs_chan.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix1); c1->SaveAs(name); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_vs_chan.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix2); c1->SaveAs(name); c1->cd(); h2Corr[ista]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Gain (Corr, mV/fC)"); h2Corr[ista]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chan #"); h2Corr[ista]->SetTitle("Gain (Corr, mV/fC) vs Chan #"); h2Corr[ista]->Draw("colz"); c1->Modified(); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_corr_vs_chan.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix1); c1->SaveAs(name); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_corr_vs_chan.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix2); c1->SaveAs(name); c1->cd(); h2CorrChip[ista]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Gain (Corr, mV/fC)"); h2CorrChip[ista]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip #"); h2CorrChip[ista]->SetTitle("Gain (Corr, mV/fC) vs Chip #"); h2CorrChip[ista]->Draw("colz"); c1->Modified(); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_corr_vs_chip.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix1); c1->SaveAs(name); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_corr_vs_chip.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix2); c1->SaveAs(name); c1->cd(); h2CorrChipAll[ista]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Gain (Corr, All, mV/fC)"); h2CorrChipAll[ista]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip #"); h2CorrChipAll[ista]->SetTitle("Gain (Corr, All, mV/fC) vs Chip #"); h2CorrChipAll[ista]->Draw("box"); c1->Modified(); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_corr_vs_chip_all.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix1); c1->SaveAs(name); sprintf(name, "%s/sta%d_gain%d_corr_vs_chip_all.%s", outdir, kSta[ista], kGain[igain], suffix2); c1->SaveAs(name); // Finally, the reporting... cout << endl << " here is a list of good chips (nOK == 32 && nFail == 0) - no failed fits: " << endl; int ngood = 0; for (locChip=minChip; locChip<=maxChip; locChip++) { if (nOK[ista][locChip]==32 && nFail[ista][locChip]==0) { iChip = locChip + kChipOffset; printf("iSta %d iChip %d meanGain %4.3f rmsGain %4.3f\n", kSta[ista], iChip, meanGain[ista][locChip], rmsGain[ista][locChip]); ngood++; } } cout << " - number of chips with all good fits: " << ngood << endl; cout << endl << " here is a list of grey zone chips (nOK != 32 && nFail == 0) - no failed fits but wrong number of channels: " << endl; int ngrey = 0; for (locChip=minChip; locChip<=maxChip; locChip++) { if (nOK[ista][locChip]!=32 && nOK[ista][locChip]>0 && nFail[ista][locChip]==0) { iChip = locChip + kChipOffset; printf("iSta %d iChip %d nOK %02d nFail %02d meanGain %4.3f rmsGain %4.3f\n", kSta[ista], iChip, nOK[ista][locChip], nFail[ista][locChip], meanGain[ista][locChip], rmsGain[ista][locChip]); ngrey++; } } cout << " - number of chips with all good fits but not right number of channels: " << ngrey << endl; cout << endl << " next is a list of somewhat problematic chips, with 1-3 failed fits: " << endl; int nproblem = 0; for (locChip=minChip; locChip<=maxChip; locChip++) { if (nFail[ista][locChip]>0 && nFail[ista][locChip]<4) { iChip = locChip + kChipOffset; printf("iSta %d iChip %d nOK %02d nFail %02d meanGain %4.3f rmsGain %4.3f\n", kSta[ista], iChip, nOK[ista][locChip], nFail[ista][locChip], meanGain[ista][locChip], rmsGain[ista][locChip]); nproblem++; } } cout << " - number of somewhat problematic chips : " << nproblem << endl; cout << endl << " finally a list of more problematic chips, with at least 4 failed fits: " << endl; nproblem = 0; for (locChip=minChip; locChip<=maxChip; locChip++) { if (nFail[ista][locChip]>3) { iChip = locChip + kChipOffset; printf("iSta %d iChip %d nOK %02d nFail %02d meanGain %4.3f rmsGain %4.3f\n", kSta[ista], iChip, nOK[ista][locChip], nFail[ista][locChip], meanGain[ista][locChip], rmsGain[ista][locChip]); nproblem++; } } cout << " - number of more problematic chips : " << nproblem << endl; } // some entries } // ista }