Hotel Information

The organisers pre-booked rooms in several hotels. Reservations will be made according to the registration forms, submitted by the participants. In case of changed arrival/departure plans etc., participants are asked to contact the corresponding hotels.

Hotel Fare (SEK/night) Address Phone/Fax
1. Ahlström Single: 565.- , double: 765.- Skomakaregatan 3 +46-46-2110174 (tel/fax)
2. Sparta Single: 516.- Tunavägen 39 Tel. +46-46-191600
Fax +46-46-128525
3. Concordia Single: 920.- , double: 1020.- Stålbrogatan 1 Tel. +46-46-135050
Fax +46-46-137422

The general list of hotels in Lund, with prices, can be found at the city of Lund homepage. However, workshop organisers do not provide accomodation in hotels other than listed above.