[2021-07-07 12:07:40.372][I] [FMQ] ______ _ _______ _________ / ____/___ _(_)_______ |/ /_ __ \ version 1.4.38 / /_ / __ `/ / ___/__ /|_/ /_ / / / build RELWITHDEBINFO / __/ / /_/ / / / _ / / / / /_/ / https://github.com/FairRootGroup/FairMQ /_/ \__,_/_/_/ /_/ /_/ \___\_\ LGPL-3.0 © 2012-2021 GSI [2021-07-07 12:07:40.373][D] DataDistLogger: Checking O2_INFOLOGGER_MODE variable [2021-07-07 12:07:40.373][I] DataDistLogger: O2_INFOLOGGER_MODE backend is not set. [2021-07-07 12:07:40.373][W] DataDistLogger: Invalid O2_INFOLOGGER_MODE. Ignoring severity-infologger=warning [2021-07-07 12:07:40.373][I] NEW RUN NUMBER. run_number=0 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.373][I] [STATE][FMQ] Starting FairMQ state machine --> IDLE [2021-07-07 12:07:40.373][D] [FMQ] PID: 72919 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.373][D] [FMQ] Loaded plugin: 'config', version '1.4.38', maintainer 'FairRootGroup ', homepage 'https://github.com/FairRootGroup/FairRoot' [2021-07-07 12:07:40.373][D] [FMQ] Loaded plugin: 'control', version '1.4.38', maintainer 'FairRootGroup ', homepage 'https://github.com/FairRootGroup/FairMQ' [2021-07-07 12:07:40.373][D] [FMQ] Running builtin controller: static [2021-07-07 12:07:40.373][D] [FMQ] Plugin 'control' is setting up signal handling for SIGINT and SIGTERM [2021-07-07 12:07:40.374][D] [FMQ] Configuration: catch-signals = 1 [default] channel-config = name=dpl-chan,type=push,method=bind,address=ipc://@tf-builder-pipe-0,transport=shmem,rateLogging=1 > [provided] color = true [default] control = static [provided] data-sink-dir = [default] data-sink-enable = false [default] data-sink-file-name = run%r_tf%i.tf [default] data-sink-max-file-size = 4096 [default] data-sink-max-stfs-per-file = 1 [default] data-sink-sidecar = false [default] data-source-copy-cmd = [default] data-source-dir = /disk/O2/data/MW2/pedestal_test/2021-03-02T16_53_11Z/aFewSavedFiles [provided] data-source-enable = true [provided] data-source-file-list = [default] data-source-headersize = 256 [default] data-source-preread = 1 [default] data-source-rate = 100 [provided] data-source-regionsize = 4096 [provided] data-source-repeat = false [default] detector = [default] detector-rdh = [unidentified_type] <[unidentified_type]> [default] detector-subspec = [unidentified_type] <[unidentified_type]> [default] dpl-channel-name = dpl-chan [provided] file-severity = nolog [default] id = stfb [provided] init-timeout = 120 [default] input-channel-name = readout [default] io-threads = 4 [default] log-to-file = [default] max-buffered-stfs = -1 [default] max-built-stfs = 0 [default] max-run-time = 0 [default] monitoring-backend = [default] monitoring-interval = 2 [default] monitoring-log = false [default] network-interface = default [default] ofi-size-hint = 0 [default] output-channel-name = builder-stf-channel [default] rate = 0 [default] rdh-data-check = [unidentified_type] <[unidentified_type]> [default] rdh-filter-empty-trigger = false [default] run-type = [unidentified_type] <[unidentified_type]> [default] session = default [provided] severity = debug [provided] severity-infologger = warning [default] shm-allocation = rbtree_best_fit [default] shm-mlock-segment = false [default] shm-monitor = true [default] shm-no-cleanup = false [default] shm-segment-id = 0 [default] shm-segment-size = 8589934592 [provided] shm-throw-bad-alloc = false [default] shm-zero-segment = false [default] stand-alone = false [default] transport = shmem [provided] verbosity = medium [default] [2021-07-07 12:07:40.374][I] [STATE][FMQ] IDLE ---> INITIALIZING DEVICE [2021-07-07 12:07:40.374][D] [FMQ] channel-config: Parsing channel configuration [2021-07-07 12:07:40.375][D] StfBuilderDevice::Init() [2021-07-07 12:07:40.375][D] [FMQ] Adding 'shmem' transport [2021-07-07 12:07:40.375][D] [FMQ] Transport: Using ZeroMQ (4.3.3) & boost::interprocess (1.75.0) [2021-07-07 12:07:40.375][D] [FMQ] Generated shmid 'f8fb93a1' out of session id 'default'. [2021-07-07 12:07:40.375][D] [FMQ] no fairmq-shmmonitor found for shared memory id f8fb93a1, starting... [2021-07-07 12:07:40.400][D] [FMQ] Started fairmq-shmmonitor for shared memory id f8fb93a1 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.400][D] [FMQ] no session info found, creating and initializing [2021-07-07 12:07:40.400][D] [FMQ] initialized session info, name: default, creator id: 0 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.400][D] [FMQ] no event counter found, creating one and initializing with 0 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.400][D] [FMQ] initialized event counter with: 0 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.401][D] [FMQ] Created shared memory segment 'fmq_f8fb93a1_m_0'. Size: 8589934592 bytes. Available: 8589934432 bytes. Allocation algorithm: rbtree_best_fit [2021-07-07 12:07:40.401][D] [FMQ] no device counter found, creating one and initializing with 1 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.401][D] [FMQ] initialized device counter with: 1 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.401][D] (Sub)TimeFrame Source started... [2021-07-07 12:07:40.401][D] (Sub)TimeFrame Sink created. [2021-07-07 12:07:40.401][D] [FMQ] Setting 'shmem' as default transport for the device [2021-07-07 12:07:40.401][D] [FMQ] Reusing existing 'shmem' transport [2021-07-07 12:07:40.401][D] [FMQ] Initializing transport for channel dpl-chan[0]: shmem [2021-07-07 12:07:40.401][D] [FMQ] Reusing existing 'shmem' transport [2021-07-07 12:07:40.401][I] [STATE][FMQ] INITIALIZING DEVICE ---> INITIALIZED [2021-07-07 12:07:40.401][I] [STATE][FMQ] INITIALIZED ---> BINDING [2021-07-07 12:07:40.401][D] [FMQ] Validating channel 'dpl-chan[0]'... VALID [2021-07-07 12:07:40.402][D] [FMQ] Created socket stfb.dpl-chan[0].push [2021-07-07 12:07:40.402][D] [FMQ] Attached channel dpl-chan[0] to ipc://@tf-builder-pipe-0 (bind) (push) [2021-07-07 12:07:40.402][I] [STATE][FMQ] BINDING ---> BOUND [2021-07-07 12:07:40.402][I] [STATE][FMQ] BOUND ---> CONNECTING [2021-07-07 12:07:40.402][I] [STATE][FMQ] CONNECTING ---> DEVICE READY [2021-07-07 12:07:40.402][I] [STATE][FMQ] DEVICE READY ---> INITIALIZING TASK [2021-07-07 12:07:40.402][D] Starting monitoring collection thread for ... [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] Configuration: Run type: 'physics' [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] Not imposing limits on number of buffered SubTimeFrames. Possibility of creating back-pressure. [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] Configuration: Number of built SubTimeFrames is not limited [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] (Sub)TimeFrame file sink is disabled. [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] (Sub)TimeFrame file source is enabled. [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Starting monitoring sender thread for ... [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010113.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010114.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010116.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010118.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010119.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010120.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010121.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010122.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010123.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010124.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010127.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010128.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010129.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010131.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010151.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010169.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010170.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010172.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010174.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010175.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010176.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010177.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010178.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010179.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010180.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010183.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010184.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010185.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] Checking if should remove file: 2021-03-02_00010187.tf ? no [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] (Sub)TimeFrame source :: enabled = yes [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] (Sub)TimeFrame source :: file location = local [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] (Sub)TimeFrame source :: directory = /disk/O2/data/MW2/pedestal_test/2021-03-02T16_53_11Z/aFewSavedFiles [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] (Sub)TimeFrame source :: (s)tf load rate = 100 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] (Sub)TimeFrame source :: (s)tf pre reads = 1 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] (Sub)TimeFrame source :: repeat data = false [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] (Sub)TimeFrame source :: num files in dataset = 29 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] (Sub)TimeFrame source :: data region size(MiB) = 4096 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] (Sub)TimeFrame source :: header region size(MiB) = 256 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] DPL Channel name: dpl-chan [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] SubTimeFrameFileSink started [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][W] MemoryResource: Memory locking disabled via DATADIST_NO_MLOCK env variable. Not suitable for production. [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] Creating new UnmanagedRegion name=O2HeadersRegion_FileSource path= size=268435456 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][I] StfOutputThread: sending data to channel: dpl-chan[0] [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] [FMQ] no region counter found, creating one and initializing with 1 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.403][D] [FMQ] initialized region counter with: 1 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.562][D] [FMQ] Zeroing free memory of region 1... [2021-07-07 12:07:40.617][D] [FMQ] Successfully zeroed free memory of region 1. [2021-07-07 12:07:40.618][W] MemoryResource: Memory locking disabled via DATADIST_NO_MLOCK env variable. Not suitable for production. [2021-07-07 12:07:40.618][I] Creating new UnmanagedRegion name=O2DataRegion_FileSource path= size=4294967296 [2021-07-07 12:07:40.618][D] [FMQ] region counter found, with value of 1. incrementing. [2021-07-07 12:07:40.618][D] [FMQ] incremented region counter, now: 2 [2021-07-07 12:07:42.845][D] [FMQ] Zeroing free memory of region 2... [2021-07-07 12:07:43.798][D] [FMQ] Successfully zeroed free memory of region 2. [2021-07-07 12:07:43.799][D] (Sub)TimeFrame Source: reading new file=/disk/O2/data/MW2/pedestal_test/2021-03-02T16_53_11Z/aFewSavedFiles/2021-03-02_00010113.tf [2021-07-07 12:07:43.800][D] DataRegionResource O2HeadersRegion_FileSource memory free=268435304 allocated=152 [2021-07-07 12:07:43.800][D] DataRegionResource O2DataRegion_FileSource memory free=4294893568 allocated=73728 [2021-07-07 12:07:43.820][I] InitTask() done... [2021-07-07 12:07:43.820][I] [STATE][FMQ] INITIALIZING TASK ---> READY [2021-07-07 12:07:43.820][I] (Sub)TimeFrame Source: Injecting new STF every 10000 us [2021-07-07 12:07:43.821][I] [STATE][FMQ] READY ---> RUNNING [2021-07-07 12:07:43.821][I] [FMQ] DEVICE: Running... [2021-07-07 12:07:43.821][I] Restarting file source. [2021-07-07 12:07:43.821][I] Entering running state. RunNumber: 0 [2021-07-07 12:07:44.297][D] SubTimeFrameFileSource prepared_tfs=0 inject_rate=100.1048 [2021-07-07 12:07:44.299][D] Sending an STF out. stf_id=0 stf_size=475693056 unique_equipments=6452 [2021-07-07 12:07:44.821][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:45.821][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:45.822][D] DataRegionResource O2HeadersRegion_FileSource memory free=264077160 allocated=4358296 [2021-07-07 12:07:45.822][D] DataRegionResource O2DataRegion_FileSource memory free=2180964352 allocated=2114002944 [2021-07-07 12:07:46.388][D] SubTimeFrameFileSource prepared_tfs=0 inject_rate=3.3106 [2021-07-07 12:07:46.822][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:47.601][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:07:47.601][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:07:47.822][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:48.572][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:07:48.572][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:07:48.822][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:49.573][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:07:49.573][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:07:49.822][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:50.572][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:07:50.572][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:07:50.823][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:51.577][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:07:51.577][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:07:51.823][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:52.578][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:07:52.578][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:07:52.823][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:53.576][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:07:53.576][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:07:53.823][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:54.581][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:07:54.581][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:07:54.823][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:55.580][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:07:55.580][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:07:55.824][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:56.579][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:07:56.579][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:07:56.824][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:57.582][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:07:57.582][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:07:57.824][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:58.582][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:07:58.582][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:07:58.824][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:07:59.486][D] Sending an STF out. stf_id=1 stf_size=475693056 unique_equipments=6452 [2021-07-07 12:07:59.585][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:07:59.585][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:07:59.824][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 9 (4289.92 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:00.585][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:00.585][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:00.825][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:01.584][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:01.584][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:01.825][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:02.586][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:02.586][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:02.825][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:03.587][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:03.587][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:03.825][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:04.591][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:04.591][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:04.825][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:05.593][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:05.593][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:05.826][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:06.591][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:06.591][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:06.826][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:07.590][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:07.590][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:07.826][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:08.594][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:08.594][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:08.826][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:09.593][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:09.593][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:09.826][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:10.597][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:10.597][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:10.827][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:11.596][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:11.596][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:11.827][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:12.598][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:12.598][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:12.827][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:13.597][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:13.597][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:13.827][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:14.600][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:14.600][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:14.828][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:15.601][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:15.601][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:15.828][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:16.603][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:16.603][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:16.828][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:17.603][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:17.603][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:17.828][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:18.603][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:18.603][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:18.828][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:19.603][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:19.603][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:19.828][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:20.606][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:20.606][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:20.829][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:21.605][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:21.605][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:21.829][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:22.605][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:22.605][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:22.829][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:23.607][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:23.607][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:23.829][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:24.611][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:24.611][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:24.829][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:25.613][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:25.613][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:25.830][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:26.614][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:26.614][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:26.830][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:27.615][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:27.615][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:27.830][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:28.320][I] [FMQ] Received device shutdown request (signal 2). [2021-07-07 12:08:28.320][I] [FMQ] Waiting for graceful device shutdown. Hit Ctrl-C again to abort immediately. [2021-07-07 12:08:28.364][I] [FMQ] dpl-chan[0]: in: 0 (0 MB) out: 0 (0 MB) [2021-07-07 12:08:28.614][W] RegionAllocatorResource: waiting to allocate a message. region=O2DataRegion_FileSource alloc=73728 region_size=4294967296 free=16384 [2021-07-07 12:08:28.614][W] Memory region 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is too small, or there is a large backpressure. [2021-07-07 12:08:28.831][I] Pausing file source. [2021-07-07 12:08:28.831][I] Exiting running state. RunNumber: 0 [2021-07-07 12:08:28.831][I] [STATE][FMQ] RUNNING ---> READY [2021-07-07 12:08:28.832][I] [STATE][FMQ] READY ---> RESETTING TASK [2021-07-07 12:08:28.832][D] StfBuilderDevice::ResetTask() [2021-07-07 12:08:28.832][D] Exiting file source inject thread... [2021-07-07 12:08:28.833][W] Memory segment 'O2DataRegion_FileSource' is stopped. No allocations are possible. [2021-07-07 12:08:28.833][I] Data memory resource stopped. Exiting. [2021-07-07 12:08:28.834][D] Exiting file source data load thread... [2021-07-07 12:08:28.836][D] Exiting file provider thread... [2021-07-07 12:08:28.860][D] Memory segment 'O2DataRegion_FileSource'::block merging ratio average=0.6237 [2021-07-07 12:08:28.932][I] Source Completed message sent to DPL. [2021-07-07 12:08:29.074][D] Memory segment 'O2HeadersRegion_FileSource'::block merging ratio average=0.6237 [2021-07-07 12:08:30.932][I] Output: Stopped SubTimeFrame sending. sent_total=9 rate=36.41 [2021-07-07 12:08:30.932][D] Exiting StfOutputThread... [2021-07-07 12:08:30.933][D] StfBuilderDevice::ResetTask() done... [2021-07-07 12:08:30.933][I] [STATE][FMQ] RESETTING TASK ---> DEVICE READY [2021-07-07 12:08:30.933][I] [STATE][FMQ] DEVICE READY ---> RESETTING DEVICE [2021-07-07 12:08:30.933][D] StfBuilderDevice::Reset() [2021-07-07 12:08:30.933][D] (Sub)TimeFrame Source terminated... [2021-07-07 12:08:30.933][D] (Sub)TimeFrame Sink terminated. [2021-07-07 12:08:32.397][D] [FMQ] Destroying Shared Memory transport... [2021-07-07 12:08:32.398][D] [FMQ] Last segment user, removing segment. [2021-07-07 12:08:32.398][I] [FMQ] Cleaning up for shared memory id 'f8fb93a1'... [2021-07-07 12:08:32.398][I] [FMQ] Did not find 'fmq_f8fb93a1_mng' shared memory segment. No regions to cleanup. [2021-07-07 12:08:32.398][D] [FMQ] Did not remove 'fmq_f8fb93a1_mtx'. Already removed? [2021-07-07 12:08:32.398][D] [FMQ] Did not remove 'fmq_f8fb93a1_cv'. Already removed? [2021-07-07 12:08:32.398][I] [STATE][FMQ] RESETTING DEVICE ---> IDLE [2021-07-07 12:08:32.398][I] [STATE][FMQ] IDLE ---> EXITING [2021-07-07 12:08:32.398][E] [FMQ] Uncaught exception reached the top of DeviceRunner: _Map_base::at [2021-07-07 12:08:32.399][D] [FMQ] Shutting down Plugin Manager [2021-07-07 12:08:32.399][D] [FMQ] Unloaded plugin: 'control', version '1.4.38', maintainer 'FairRootGroup ', homepage 'https://github.com/FairRootGroup/FairMQ' [2021-07-07 12:08:32.399][D] [FMQ] Unloaded plugin: 'config', version '1.4.38', maintainer 'FairRootGroup ', homepage 'https://github.com/FairRootGroup/FairRoot' [2021-07-07 12:08:32.399][D] [FMQ] Shutting down Plugin Services [2021-07-07 12:08:32.399][D] StfBuilderDevice::~StfBuilderDevice() [2021-07-07 12:08:32.399][D] [FMQ] Shutting down device stfb [2021-07-07 12:08:32.399][I] [STATE][FMQ] Exiting FairMQ state machine [2021-07-07 12:08:32.423][D] Exiting monitoring thread... /home/dsilverm/runStfBuilder.sh: line 19: 72919 Aborted StfBuilder --id stfb --session default --transport shmem --shm-segment-size ${GLOBAL_SHMSIZE} --dpl-channel-name dpl-chan --channel-config "name=dpl-chan,type=push,method=bind,address=ipc://@tf-builder-pipe-0,transport=shmem,rateLogging=1" --data-source-dir ${TF_DIR} --data-source-rate=100 --data-source-regionsize=${DATA_SHMSIZE} --data-source-enable --severity debug --control=static