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Installation of PHENIX related software
      ( on a Red Hat 6.x Linux system (x > 0) )

This document describes how to set up a Linux machine for installation and usage of PHENIX offline software with nothing more than a clean Red Hat installed. Since installation of this software was not proven successful on Red Hat 6.0, it is recommended that at least Red Hat 6.1 is installed prior to the steps of this guide (Red Hat home page).
   Before any PHENIX software can be checked out, we need to install Kerberos and Arla. If that is already done on your machine, skip to step 3. Unless you already have the root password to your machine, you need to acquire it or let your system manager perform these steps. 'Normal' PHENIX users start at step 3.1.
   A CERN user should be able to use these steps as well. Compare the corresponding configuration files on a CERN machine.
   For additional network tweaking and secure shell installation, see D. Morrisons web page "Configuring Linux for PHENIX".
   If YOU should find ANY typos, changes or even mistakes, PLEASE send a mail to Pål Nilsson as soon as possible.

Extra tweaking for PHENIX users running Red Hat 6.x, x > 1.
Since the PHENIX libraries only have been built for Red Hat versions up to 6.1, as of June 2000, we need to do some cheating. At least one script ( uses the /etc/redhat-release file to check the version number. Thus, move this file away and create a new redhat-release file with the [false] information:

   Red Hat Linux release 6.1 (Cartman)

(this text will be displayed the next time you boot up your machine).

The following links lead to installation instructions for Kerberos, Arla and Phool that need to be installed in order.

  1. Kerberos (encryption package)
  2. Arla (freeware AFS)
  3. Phool (PHENIX offline software)
  4. Preco (PHENIX offline software compiled)

Pål Nilsson, May 2001.


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