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Iridium Cluster Testing nodes

The cluster has two testing nodes accessible from anywhere that should be used for testing your code.

hostname purpose test node for nuclear physics test node for particle physics

They will also be used from time to time to host courses.

They are meant for interactive access to the cluster, as opposed to the arc-iridium grid frontend that can be used for batch submission of jobs

===== Accessing the Testing nodes

User groups

Three main UNIX user groups are defined, as follows:

User group Who belongs to it Group hierarchy
npusers Researchers belonging to Nuclear Physics primary
ppusers Researchers belonging to Particle Physics primary
clusterusers All users accessing the cluster secondary

Group hierarchy tells how your files are created. Whenever you create a file, its default ownership will be:

  • user: your username
  • group: group you belong

Accessing Testing nodes

As said, currently access to nodes must happen via special machines.

A typical access routine is the following:

  1. Access the special machines for your division.
  2. login to the iridium access gateway
  3. login to one of the nodes you are assigned to
  4. setup the work environment

Let's see those in details.

1) Access the special machines for your division.

Particle Physics

simply run:

ssh <username>

where <username> is the same used to login to teddi or to your own laptop.

Nuclear Physics

coming soon

2) login to the iridium access gateway

simply run:

ssh <username>

where <username> is the your username on the cluster as given by the administrators.

You will be accessing a special shell in which you'll see which node you are assigned to. Assigned nodes can also be seen in Assigned Nodes

:!: for Particle Physicists, the username is the same used to login to teddi or to your own laptop.

3) login to one of the nodes you are assigned to

simply run:

ssh <username>@nX


  • <username> is the your username on the cluster as given by the administrators.
  • X is one of the node you're assigned in Assigned Nodes

:!: NOTE :!: : There is no checking upon login. you can login into a node that is not assigned to you. PLEASE DON'T DO. Please check. Security enforcement can be done but is not the purpose of this testing phase. If you encounter issues, we will be able to reduce access accordingly.

4) setup the work environment

Administrators provided scripts for quick setup of your work enviroment. Just execute the command in the column Script to run at the shell prompt, or add it to your .bashrc or .bash_profile file so that is executed every time you login.

The following are active now:

Environment Script to run Description
ATLAS Experiment environment setupATLAS Will setup all the neeeded environment variables for ATLAS experiment, and present a selection of other environments that the user can setup.
iridium_cluster/testnodes.1395428172.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/21 18:56 by florido

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