20200508 These instructions have been updated. LU changed the way to connect to the VPN. I am investigating whether encryption is enforced.
The Lund University VPN is a system to secure connect from outside the LU network to services and machines inside the LU network. It should be used when travelling or when connecting from non secure places.
Instructions on how to configure it for windows and macOS are available at the official documentation website.
For other systems only generic instructions are given:
Unfortunately the English version is not kept up to date, hence I linked the Swedish one.
Please complain to the linked websites above if you're not happy (it is not maintained by me)
But below I will detail how to configure and install in commonly used GNU/Linux distributions.
The VPN connection is based on a networkmanager plugin for gnome. If you're not running network manager and/or gnome, there might be other solutions, please contact me.
sudo apt-get install network-manager-l2tp network-manager-l2tp-gnome
Once configured, one can easily connect and reconnect to the VPN using the upper right menu:
However, in some cases the browser and other applications will fail to detect the non-vpn network again, so one way to make it happen faster is to restart the network manager AFTER disconnecting from the VPN:
sudo systemctl restart network-manager
so that the top part looks like this: # ipsec.conf - strongSwan IPsec configuration file # basic configuration config setup # strictcrlpolicy=yes # uniqueids = no forceencaps = yes
sudo systemctl restart xl2tpd strongswan
Sometimes when restarting networking the icon on the upper right corner shows that you're disconnected, and the VPN will not connect any longer. It is a gnome3 bug that affects network manager. To solve, it is enough to restart gnome3 by doing the following:
and F2
and press enterThe icon should be restored.
These instructions are fork Kde5 (Plasma). If you have another window manager it might be different.
sudo zypper in NetworkManager-l2tp