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IT services for Mathematical Physics



Printing is mostly provided by the /CUPS/ server

Clusters and Workstations are automatically connected to all the printers served by it.

These can be usually seen by issuing

lpstat -a

at the command line. Example:

pflorido@myon:~$ lpstat -a
copy-n accepting requests since tor  6 feb 2014 15.55.56
copy-t accepting requests since tor  6 feb 2014 16.45.47
cp4525dn accepting requests since tis  4 feb 2014 11.33.28
maria accepting requests since tor 30 maj 2013 19.24.17
oldprinter accepting requests since tor 16 jan 2014 11.22.35
print2 accepting requests since tor  6 feb 2014 16.10.01
printer accepting requests since tor  6 feb 2014 17.17.13

If you have a personal machine or a windows machine you should read further.


Linux laptops and Apple or Windows machines would need to install all the printers manually.


Get to the Matfys print room and note the printer names. You will need those later.

There are four ways of installing the drivers:

Root privileges: not needed

use your printer system configurator to add the printer. It may vary depending on distributions.

When asked for the printer, choose to add a network printer and type in the URL:




Repeat the above for each printer you want to add.

This should not require drivers, as they are provided by the CUPS server.

Test with lpstat -a, you should see the list of configured printers.

Root privileges: needed

The printers can be added directly to the current cups configuration using a configuration file. :!: Be careful: backup /etc/cups/printers.conf before you proceed.

Follow these steps:

  1. become root and shut down cups (may vary depending on distribution):
    sudo service cups stop
  2. download this file (sorry I didn't have the time to craft this yet… stay tuned)
  3. merge or add the contents of the file at the end of your /etc/cups/printers.conf file and save.
  4. restart cups
    sudo service cups start
  5. test with lpstat -a, you should see the list of configured printers.
3) Hackish and Fastest

Root privileges: needed

:!: This solution might prevent you to use printers outside Matfys. Use it only if you know where to put your hands.

Follow these steps:

  1. become root and shut down cups (may vary depending on distribution):
    sudo service cups stop
  2. add this line to /etc/cups/client.conf (create it if it doesn't exist):
  3. test with lpstat -a, you should see the list of all configured printers.

If you use this, remember to comment out the ServerName line in client.conf and restart cups if you travel to a location outside Matfys.

4) Evil and Time-consuming

Root privileges: might be needed if you need to install new drivers

:?: Why is this evil? because this bypasses the print server. That means that is more likely to jam the print queue in the printer itself (will need a restart) and jam the printer itself if the driver is misconfigured (hopefully a restart will be enough LOL). Use at your own risk.

Install the printer drivers yourself, and then install the printer by getting its network address.

This may vary depending on the printer vendor, and Linux may or may not have the drivers.

In short, all you need to do is to provide the hostname of the printer. In most cases it will work if you use

socket://<printer FQDN>:9100



Windows, MacOS X

I will write them when I have time.

The new color printer Canon MF8540C, temporary solution

As you might have seen there is a new printer from Canon in the print room. This printer is too new for the current print server. Therefore I installed it on which has a newer version of OpenSuSE. I will update the main print server once I have time.

The printer is called newprinter as the old one.

On a personal laptop you might follow instructions as I wrote above, just changing the CUPS server to

For Workstations, Clusters and machines that support the lp command, you can print by using the lp command pointing at the alternative print server. Example:

lp -h -d newprinter mycolorfulfile.pdf

Happy printing!

it_services/mf.1391706755.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/02/06 17:12 by florido

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